
joan apter

Joan Apter, Aromacologist

Joan has 28 years of training in the use and application of essential oils. Her techniques include Tibetan reflexology (Vita flex), NAT (Neuro-Auricular Technique), and energy balancing. Joan has advanced training in the medicinal applications of essential oils from Ege University in Izmir, Turkey, and holds an International Certificate of Study from the Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy. She is a spa consultant; educator and instructor of the Raindrop Technique, Emotional Raindrop, and NAT (Neuro-Auricular Technique). Joan offers the full Young Living Essential Oil product line. She is a certified facilitator for the “Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster” workshop. Joan lives in Woodstock, NY.

“I offer nurturing, therapeutic treatments to balance mind, body, and soul!” 

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